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wusaexe(Windows Update Standalone Installer – Wusaexe Explained)

导读 Wusa.exe is a built-in command line tool in Windows operating systems. It is designed to install and uninstall Windows updates and packages on your computer. I

Wusa.exe is a built-in command line tool in Windows operating systems. It is designed to install and uninstall Windows updates and packages on your computer. In this article, we will be discussing what Wusa.exe is, how to use it, and its limitations.

What is Wusa.exe?

wusa.exe(Windows Update Standalone Installer – Wusa.exe Explained)

Wusa.exe is a Windows component and is used to install or uninstall MSU files located in a computer. MSU files contain Microsoft update files including software updates, security updates, language packs, and service packs. It is an excellent tool that comes in handy when you want to install security patches or updates without logging onto the internet.

Unlike other methods of updating your system, Wusa.exe operates on the command prompt. The command prompt has been around since the earliest version of Windows and is a reliable way to interact with your system. For Windows users who are comfortable with executing commands, Wusa.exe can be an excellent tool to control the updating process.

Using Wusa.exe

wusa.exe(Windows Update Standalone Installer – Wusa.exe Explained)

The Wusa.exe tool can be accessed from the command prompt by following these steps:

  • Click Start and type CMD.
  • Right-click the Command Prompt icon and choose Run as administrator.
  • Type in “wusa.msu” and press enter.

After you enter the command, the update package should begin installing on your computer.

Limitations of Wusa.exe

wusa.exe(Windows Update Standalone Installer – Wusa.exe Explained)

While Wusa.exe is an excellent tool to control the updating process, it is not without its limitations. Here are some of the limitations of Wusa.exe:

  • Wusa.exe is limited to MSU files. It cannot install any other standalone installer packages.
  • Wusa.exe will only install updates for the operating system it is running on. For example, running Wusa.exe on a Windows 7 machine will only install Windows 7 updates.
  • Wusa.exe cannot be used to install updates on remote machines.

In conclusion

wusa.exe(Windows Update Standalone Installer – Wusa.exe Explained)

Wusa.exe is a powerful tool for installing, uninstalling, and managing Windows updates. It is an excellent alternative for users who are not comfortable with the traditional method of auto-updating their system. Wusa.exe will only work with MSU files, and it is limited to the operating system it is running on. Users who are looking for an easy way to update multiple computers should consider other tools.


